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Reminder: Skin Spectrum Quarterly: open call for papers deadline May 15, 2023

Allan Ryan

There is still time to contribute original research, review articles, commentary, or case reports for inclusion in the inaugural issue of Skin Spectrum Quarterly. The deadline for submissions is May 15, 2023.

Skin Spectrum Quarterly™: The Journal of Ethnodermatology is a new worldwide dermatology journal that focuses on the emerging subspecialty of "Ethnodermatology." The journal, from the same group that produces, will be distributed in print and digitally and will champion "Skin Health for All," with a special focus on understudied groups of patients with richly pigmented skin (Fitzpatrick types IV-VI). Skin Spectrum Quarterly™ will publish high-quality original research, review articles, correspondence, clinical news with commentary, recent book and publication reviews, editorials, and first-person opinion articles. The journal's interests lie at the intersection of dermatology, race, and culture. We invite authors to submit articles reflecting the journal's focus and interests. All submitted articles will undergo an independent, rigorous peer-review process prior to acceptance. To request more information on submitting an article, please email The journal will launch separate editions in the USA and Canada in 2023, and begin distribution in other areas of the world the following year. The submission deadline for the Inaugural issue is May 15, 2023. Author guidelines

  • Articles should be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  • Articles should be written in English and adhere to the highest standards of scientific writing.

  • Articles should be between 2,000 and 4,000 words, not including references, tables, or figures.

  • Authors should also include an abstract of their article, at most 250 words in length.

  • Authors should provide a list of three to five keywords that accurately describe the content of their article.

  • The journal uses the Vancouver citation style; all references should be numbered and listed at the end of the article.

  • Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and double-spaced throughout, including references, tables, and figures.

  • Figures and tables should be submitted as separate files in high-resolution formats, such as TIFF or JPEG.

  • A cover letter should accompany the submission, indicating the article's title, the author's name, affiliations, and contact information.


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