top of page improvements coming

By John Evans

Photo by: Tranmautritam from Pexels

Some exciting new improvements to the web page have been quietly in development for some time now and are about to go live.

Over the next few days, this page's content will be unavailable as the new format comes online. All the existing content, as well as the new features, will return this Friday, July 31.

In addition to an improved blog interface, will now also include a free sub-section for physicians. This new area will feature pdf back issues of Chronicle publications, including The Chronicle of Skin & Allergy, The Chronicle of Cosmetic Medicine + Surgery, and Pediatric Chronicle, among others. Also included in this update will be information about the virtual Skin Spectrum Summit conference coming later this year, where experts and key opinion leaders on skin of colour will be presenting on a range of vital ethnodermatology topics. Thank you again for your loyal readership, and we look forward to having you visit the new, improved this Friday.

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